Board Bets

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How Much the Cubs make for a Game

Recently "The 'Bright' One" sent me a link to this article on Yahoo sports. I found it fascinating to learn how much the Cubs make per game from all the different revenue areas. It gives you an inside view to how much the Cubs make and where any baseball team makes money from. I liked it a lot and think all Cubs fans would like to know this so I decided to post it.


  1. LOL, so you think it got better! That may just be in your opnion that who was tagged in it makes it better! I am kidding around for the record.

  2. I think making an obscenely long url into a nice purple link makes it better

  3. wait wait wait. wasn't i the one who found this??

  4. "The 'Bright' One" was the one who e-mailed it to me. I told him to put it up, but he didn't for some reason so then I did. Your purple link was nice.


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