Board Bets

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bill Belichick Does Not Live In His Mothers Basement

The greatest football coach in the history of the NFL does not like stats. Cause stats dont win games, points win games. Wait, points are stats so stats do win games? I'm confused. But Bill Belichick is never confused. Anyone who thought the Patriots' success is a product of statistical analysis, you would be wrong. The hooded sweatshirt tells us how it is after being questioned about Randy Moss' questionable performance.

"Everybody can't have high stats every week," he told the Web site. "It's impossible. We can always pick out somebody and say, 'What happened to them?'..."Stats are for losers[who live in their mother's basement]," Belichick said. "The final score is for winners."

When you have the intangibles of Tom Brady on your team, who needs numbers. Joe Girardi doesnt need numbers. It's Derek Jeter's perpetuate clapping in the dugout that wins games. Obviously this website is a waste of time. It's not like we have won any championships with our number crunching. Looks like there wont be a 2nd anniversary for Game of Inches. Boo hoo : (

1 comment:

  1. Despite Belichick not being a "stat" guy for the purposes of this argument, he still is heavily influenced by mathematicians studying the game. In the book The Blueprint (essentially a poor man's Moneyball that followed around the Pats during their glory days), the author talks about a statistician analyzed that it is never a good idea to go for a two point conversion- so Belichick never does that anymore. And I would put good money that Belichick has seen studies that it's not efficient to ever punt on 3rd downs.

    I understand the point you're making for humor purposes, but Belichick does believe in stats and I'd bet he only made those statements to defend Randy Moss and that's really the only argument he could have made.


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