We are four humble men who love sports, but hate sports commentary. Peter Gammons is our hero and John Madden is our enemy. If you were to ask us our purpose, our answer would be simple: "We are forever locked in Mortal Kombat for the souls of sports fans everywhere. Statistics are our science and 'the immeasurable character of men' is the obsolete religion of blind faith. Our job is to prove that God doesn't exist and that athletes are merely cold, metal machines with no hearts or souls."
Board Bets
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Google Chrome Goes Incognito
Today I stumbled on one of Google Chrome's features called "going incognito". Basically it allows you to open a new window that will not record your browser, search, or cookie history. No longer will you have to go to delete your viewing history, after doing whatever it is you do. This will certainly make my life easier. No longer will I have to feel self-conscious when I go on those freaky-deaky Japanese websites to look at those sexy, never before seen...cell phones. I admit it, I'm a cell phone degenerate. Those curves and the blond, brunette, and red exteriors drive me crazy. Although Google Chrome is by no means a perfect system. As stated on their info page, going incognito does not protect you from people standing behind you. Good luck deleting that
Great article on a new technology.