Board Bets

Monday, February 8, 2010

Obligatory SB Commercial Review

I think it's a constitutional amendment that everyone must share their opinion on the SB commercials. It's right there with Don't ask don't tell. So here is my abbreviated list of what I liked and what activated my gag relfex.

  1. Beaver playing the violin (
  2. The Simpsons (coca-cola)
  3. Milkaholic babies (E-Trade)
-Google was a close one but I saw it beforehand on-line.

Gag reflex:
  1. Mark Sanchez "You're important to me, especially if you watch football" (Female heart health, CBS)
  2. Tim Tebow with his mom ( aka
  3. Lebron and Dwight stupid, unrealistic dunk off (McDonalds)


  1. All of them except the simpsons one sucked

  2. The Doritos one with the dog collar/talk, the E*Trade "Milk-A-Holic". and the Betty White getting tackled commercials were really good

  3. Everyone is so down on the commercials this year. I missed half of the game because I was traveling, but from the ones I have seen on the internet later, they do seem not that good. The only one I really like is the one with Lettermen and Leno.


Please be kind, rewind.