The four Game of Inches authors (Adam "Sexy Rexy" Kaplan, David "MVP" Eckstein, The 'Bright' One, and Cubsfan4evr1) along with friends of the site Daniel Bennett and (hopefully) Bryan Hernandez will all submit to me their lists of what they believe the top 25 greatest movies of the past 25 years are.
There are no requirements for what each person thinks is great. It could be their top 25 list of their favorite movies, the top 25 best technically sound movies, or really the only 25 movies they've seen. The only requirement is that the movie needs to have been released in 1987 or later (which mainly means no Aliens (1986)).
Either way, once I am done with finals, Game of Inches will come out with its consecutive posts of what the site as a whole thinks is the greatest movies of the past quarter century.
We would also like to hear from you. Send us your top ten list of what you think are the greatest movies of the past 25 years to with 25 Greatest Movies in the topic line.
this includes pornos, right?
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