Sexy Rexy On Fantasy Focus: Baseball

After YEARS of writing in to ESPN's Fantasy Focus, a quick e-mail I shot them last night for giggles got read by Nate and Matthew. If you listen starting at 25:07 in, they read my question and answer it for the rest of the show (and for the record I did mean Matthew was the weasel, although I did only want Nate's advice anyway). Now I only have 14 minutes and 59 seconds left. Damn.

Go to the iTunes store, download the 4/6/10 version of the Fantasy Focus to keep this precious moment in time. Or you can listen here.


Cubsfan4evr said...

I just listened to the podcast! That is exciting that they read your e-mail. I can't believe you called them a weasel. LOL!! Also nice reference to our high school.

Adam Kaplan said...

Since you're new to Fantasy Focus, I'll fill you in baby bird.

For the past year, the guys encourage that you start off emails by putting the name of your high school or some local team. Last year, someone wrote in GO BEEF- in reference to the Omaha Beef, a local indoor football team. So saying "Go Patriots" is part of the schtick of the show

Another part of the schtick is to call them like "Fantasy Weasels" or such to open the e-mail. Matthew always knocks Nate for being on his "high horse" because Nate can get a little pompous and they have a debate on who is more "weasel-y" (like who weasels more from the Board Bets they create). They had another debate on the show in which my e-mail was read.

Moral of the Story- if you want your e-mail to be read, you have to do what I did

But yes, I was very excited when they started reading my email

Cubsfan4evr said...

I am a newbie to Fantasy Focus so thanks for filling me in. Now I understand it a lot better why I have heard a few of the other e-mail's be like yours.

I have never wrote to them, but now I know if I do, what I need to do to get it read on the podcast.