Hoffman Classy guy

Trevor Hoffman spent 16 years with the San Diego Padres. At 41 years old they didn’t want to bring him back so he signed with the Brewers. He wanted to end his career with the same team which he spent his whole career with and loved the city. To show his gratitude he decided to take out a full page ad in the San Diego Union-Tribune. He is one if the few classy ball players left in the game. Kerry Wood also took out an ad in the paper thanking Cubs fans when he left, but it doesn’t come with the same warmth Hoffman’s did. Hoffman’s looked like a holiday card with a picture of his family, not just photos of his playing days. To see what I mean and check out the ad see the full story here: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/sports/baseball/padres/Hoffy-Says-See-ya-in-Full-Page-Ad-.html


David "MVP" Eckstein said...

Trevor Hoffman is an underrated guy. He always got the job done late game, has a career FIP of 3.00 and always gave 100% (unlike a certain OF who wants ARod money). Hoffman's goodbye note is a testament to sportsmanship that has been lost in an era of greed.

The 'Bright' One said...

i saw this like a week ago, and thought the writing was pretty horrible, which means he actually wrote it himself. Check out cc sabathia's ad, it's pretty creative
