Seattle, Represent Yo!

I was working out and the channel that I automatically turned to was MtvU. Apparently it's this music station designed specifically for students in Universities and such? What, high schoolers and post grads can't listen to popular music? Anyway, it was nice to see an MTV station actually play music. The first music video that came on mentioned some Seahawks references so I thought it was blog worthy. Turns out that's about for about 5 seconds of the song about 2:37 into the song, but what they hell, at least you get some fresh Seattle rhymes.

Also, as I was watching a Lil' Wayne song came on. As if Lil' Wayne wasn't bad and shitty enough already, this was a song from his name album- his new ROCK album

Lil' Wayne/ Youtube is dumb and won't let me embed the video but you can watch it here


The 'Bright' One said...

There's a Jeremy Stevens reference in the beginning. He's not on the team anymore, but he did destroy the SB for them