is Up and Running

As Cubsfan4evr1 wrote and promised in a previous post, ESPNChicago is here. I'm actually very glad Cubsfan wrote about this because as ESPN, being their normal East Coast Biased bullshit selves, didn't advertise this because Chicago is not on the East Coast. As much as I rant and hate on ESPN I'm addicted and I truly do love the channel. As a die hard Chicago fan, it always upsets me whenever I log into or watch ESPN and there's always lots of coverage devoted to New York, Boston, and L.A. teams, yet Chicago- one of the largest sports markets in the U.S., seems to always get glossed over time and again. I took a brief look around ESPNChicago and it looks exactly like but it's all dedicated to Chicago, which means I know which website I'll be obsessing with after I check/write on this one...

But being their normal ESPN retarded selves, I already have something to complain about. Scoop Jackson writes about why ESPN picked Chicago as the first city to do this with. The answer is that Chicago is one of the greatest cities in America to begin with, but have a shit ton of sports fan who are extremely loyal to their teams. And because we're pissed that ESPN keeps ignoring us and we can only watch Dan Jiggets so so long. But instead, Scoop just goes on and on listing off great players, past and present, and great events in Chicago sports history. Yes, Scoop, we get it. You're trying to pander to us, just get on with it already. But despite my love/hate relationship with ESPN, I think this is a great idea and I hope it lasts and I hope this gets big enough that ESPN will realize that they need to include more Chicago related highlights during their broadcasts

SIDENOTE: Why am I the first one to use "ESPNChicago" as a post label when I'm the second person to write about this website in GOI?


Cubsfan4evr said...

Sometimes I forget to use labels. That is why your the first to use "ESPNChicago" as a label.